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Why is it so hard to lose weight after 40? Laser Skin & Wellness can help!
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It seems like every year, weight loss gets more difficult. Despite eating healthfully and exercising at the same rate you did when you were younger, it can be harder to shake excess pounds after age 40–and easier to pack them on.

While it’s easy to blame one simple factor (such as a slower metabolism), weight loss struggles after 40 involve a variety of factors–some which are within your control, and some of which are not.

The Metabolism Myth

We’ve all heard of or used the excuse of a slower metabolism to explain weight gain, but how much validity is there to this mantra?

Madelyn Fernstrom, PhD of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center explains the reality of the drop in metabolism as we age:

At age 40 to maintain your weight, that is to not gain weight, you’re going to have to eat 100 calories less a day, and that has nothing to do with anything other than the natural course of aging. That means your resting metabolic rate.

Therefore, if you are age 40+ and continue doing everything you did to maintain your weight previously, you’re probably going to slowly gain weight as you age.


Many people don’t realize that thyroid problems can affect a large percentage of people over 40. Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain, so if you’re having trouble losing weight or are gaining rapidly, you might want to have your thyroid checked by having a blood test.


Life continues to get busier and more hectic throughout young adulthood and middle age. After 40, with so much going on, it’s easy to put fitness on the back burner. Unfortunately, muscle loss can be rapid, and along with other signs of aging such as sun damage and collagen breakdown, the skin can start to sag.

Maintaining a healthy diet, fitness, and overall strength routine is essential to maintaining your overall health and weight into your 40s and beyond. At Laser Skin & Wellness, we offer custom meal plans, programs, and nutrition counseling with our Nutrition Educator.

Weight Loss Aids

One problem many people have with weight loss as they age is getting rid of stubborn trouble areas and getting a smooth, sleek physique. The good news is that there is technology available to help you reach your goals, even if you’re near your ideal weight. This treatment is a new radiofrequency treatment, called truSculptTM.

TruSculpt is a gentle, yet effective, body contouring treatment that heats fat cells without discomfort, triggering the body to banish them. Results appear gradually over a few weeks, and 2-3 treatments are typically performed.

To learn more about this treatment or to schedule your body contouring appointment, visit our Laser Skin & Wellness centers in Lake Worth or Palm Beach Gardens, Florida today or call us at (561) 641-9490.


*truSculpt device is manufactured by Cutera, Inc.

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