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In order to provide the best quality care and achieve optimal outcomes, we use a number of different laboratories and tests tailored to each patient. The right test for you will be determined by your needs and lifestyle. Your provider will spend sufficient time assessing your concerns and plan your series of tests accordingly.

Pelvic Health Testing

For pelvic health, we use highly accurate and broad spectrum tests to obtain accurate culture results even for unusual infectious organisms. Labs such as MDL, Pathnostics and MicroGen increase the accuracy of our results, making it easier to successfully treat an infection. Being able to use such high-end labs provides us with greater confidence in the results we receive.

That being said, many of our patients have issues beyond pelvic health. Many more are interested in longevity medicine as well. As a result, we have a variety of other useful tests that help tailor treatment and lifestyle recommendations as well. 

Other Testing Options

In addition to pelvic health testing, we use two other professional labs to determine overall health. Both facilities offer top-of-the-line testing options that can help us understand the current health of our patients, which can help us determine the best course of action for treatment.

Physicians Lab

We use Physicians Lab in Boca Raton for urine hormone and metabolic testing. This type of test is intended to evaluate how the body is processing hormones and nutrients. These tests bring excellent value as well as extremely useful information, allowing us to appropriately adjust hormones, supplements, nutritional needs and lifestyle to optimize health. They also provide a useful tool for ongoing monitoring of response to treatment and lifestyle changes.

Vibrant America 

When we need to dive deeper into our patient’s physiology and health status, Vibrant America has a number of very useful labs at our disposal. Micronutrient assays, looking at nutrient levels both in the circulation and inside the cells, help us to fine tune nutritional intake to optimize our nutrients. The gut microbiome studies they offer are also very useful when we are concerned about digestive health. From a small “poop” sample, they are able to identify the presence of parasites, undesirable gut microorganisms, and the amount of beneficial organisms residing in the gut, as well as findings indicating gut inflammation or “leaky gut syndrome”. Because the GI tract is the master conductor of the body’s health and well-being, it is critical that we identify and optimize its function. 

They also offer a number of other specialty tests, such as assays for infectious disease (Lyme, other tickborne illnesses, viral infections), immune system function, neurotransmitter assays for neurological issues, and more. Their general health panel is an excellent overall testing panel to screen for cardiovascular, metabolic and hormonal problems.  

Learning More About Health Needs

Overall health is crucial to the well-being of all of our patients. Being able to determine exactly what health concerns our patients have is essential to allowing us to organize the best treatment methods. We work alongside accredited facilities to acquire the best results for our patients. If you’re interested in learning more about your physical health, consider specialty testing with the team at Laser Skin & Wellness.

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