The Laser Skin & Wellness Med Spa strives to provide the latest in aesthetic treatment so each of their clients can look and feel their best and most confident. In Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach, Lake Worth and Boynton Beach, Titan skin tightening treatments are one of these exciting advancements.
It Starts with the Laser
The Titan laser helps patients achieve tighter and healthier looking skin. As we age, sagging and loose skin is one of the biggest skin complaints. Even if a patient doesn’t have sizable lines or wrinkles, they may still suffer from sagging skin. Unfortunately, this particular condition is not treatable with the usual wrinkle treatments.
If your primary issue is the sagginess of your skin, the Titan laser is an ideal solution. Titan laser treatments work by targeting the collagen production below the top layer of skin, stimulating it to induce more production. This allows the skin to become firmer and tighter from the inside out.
Unlike other treatments, the Titan laser lets the body naturally repair itself. Additionally, unlike those treatments, the Titan laser will continue to show improved results after the others have worn off and have to be done again, and again.
Titan Skin Tightening
This cutting-edge laser is the most promising treatment for patients who are wanting skin tightening. Where before excessive skin had to be surgically removed for lifted results, the Titan skin tightening laser uses infrared light.
It works by penetrating deep into the epidermal layers to the location where collagen is developed. The special infrared light targets skin cells below the surface to rejuvenate them and encourage re-growth. This allows the skin to repair naturally for a few months and last for a few years.
Since its non-evasive, patients can enjoy extensive skin tightening without the use of anesthesia, extensive recovery times, or the development of scars. Most patients who receive a Titan skin tightening treatment will go back to their daily routines immediately following the session. This convenient option is especially appealing for busy moms or professionals who can’t afford to take a lot of downtime for recovery.
Treats the Inevitable
Even with the best dietary habits and skin care routines, eventually, you will have to deal with sagging skin.
Titan skin tightening treatments are the least-invasive way to target loose, sagging skin that can be used over the entire body and the face. This adaptability allows it to work on stretch marks, sagging skin, post-partum tummy areas, and underarm flab. If you’ve lost weight, given birth, or have just reached that age where everything has started to wilt, Titan skin tightening is a great option.
The cost of a Titan Skin Tightening treatment varies by patient. At Laser Skin & Wellness Med Spas in the Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach, Lake Worth and Boynton Beach areas we will be happy to discuss with you what your treatment requirements might be and work with you to make sure your goals are fulfilled.
Are you ready to start your journey? Schedule a consultation with us today! Request a consultation with our online form or call us at (561) 641-9490.